Friday, March 25, 2011

Closing a Door

It is time for me to close a chapter in my life.  After four wonderfully crazy years I have decided to leave my first job out of college.  Today is my last day with the company.
In June 2007, just a month out of college, I started my career in the twisted fashion industry with Priscilla of Boston.  The position, Lectra Operator, (I don't think I am even going to dare to explain what that entails) I applied for required 5 years experience.  I, however, had NONE!  But that didn't stop me from sending in my resume - and I am glad it didn't!  I was called in for an interview and was offered the position a few days later.  Now, go figure right after they offered me the position someone with 12 years experience applied for the position!
Within no time I became a member of the tightly knitted dysfunctional clan that worked in the Charlestown, MA factory.  They were like a family!  After 2 1/2 years I was informed that I would be losing my job, but I never did! I actually got promoted instead with the help of some wonderful people - how often does that happen?!?!  I packed my things and moved to NYC for the new job.  Once again I became a member of the tightly knitted dysfunctional clan here in the New York office.
However, it is now my time to move on to something else.  I truly love everyone that I work with and will miss them dearly, but I have been given and opportunity else where......

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